A Note on Tough Love

If you’ve read any of my stuff, you know this is a blog filled with tough love. In today’s soft society, this has become the exception rather than the norm. It’s not going to change on this blog. I do want to clarify what this tough love is not....

The Fundamentals of Strength Training

This post will teach you the most basic fundamentals of strength training as a natural athlete. If you haven’t already hit the “Decent” level in at least 3 of my strength standards, I want you to forget everything you think you know about weight...

6 Minute Abs? More Like 24 Hour Abs.

Most people these days are always looking for a shortcut. They want a “hack” that gives them more for less. They want the “cheat code” that shows them it really is easy! News flash: in fitness, that sh*t doesn’t exist. Look at the success...

Why You Probably Don’t Need a Trainer

This post is going to trigger some people. But the fact of the matter is that you probably shouldn’t and don’t need to hire a trainer. Most trainers are simply not worth the time or money. Note that I said most not all. There are undoubtedly some great...

“Training” vs. “Working Out”

To most people, training and working out are the same thing. But the difference between these two is the difference between having a great physique and an average physique. Most people “work out”. By this, I mean that they exercise without a structured...