
Preworkout? We’re talking about preworkout? Not the workout. We’re talking about preworkout man… How silly is that? All jokes aside – the sad thing is that many people put more thought into their preworkout than they do their actual workout....

I Hope I Don’t Motivate You

Does that surprise you? It shouldn’t. Because motivation is crap. If you rely on motivation to reach your fitness goals, I can almost guarantee that you will fail. Here’s why: motivation comes and goes. It’s fleeting. Imagine that it’s New...

Crabs in a Barrel

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: most people want you to fail. Ouch, right? I wish it weren’t this way, but it is. This idea is often compared to what happens when you put crabs in a barrel. When you put crabs in a barrel, obviously they want to get out. So...