Special Snowflake Syndrome

This is a VERY important yet overlooked topic in fitness. This idea alone stops millions of people each year from getting into shape. I call it “special snowflake syndrome”. The idea is that so many people think of themselves as a special snowflake, and...

Morning Training is Overrated

Ah, morning training. Many of the “gurus” will have you believe that this is the ONE secret to having 6 pack abs, making millions of dollars, and getting tons of chicks. Along with ice baths. Because if you don’t get up at 4am to train, you’re...

Are You Training Hard Enough?

Are you training hard enough? This is one of the more important questions that you can ask yourself in the gym. For the overwhelming majority of gym-goers, the answer is no, and the reason might surprise you. Training hard is not about killing yourself in the gym,...

“I wish I liked working out as much as you do”

I get this one a lot. People will see the results of my training and give me some variation of this line. Basically, they’re implying that in order to train like this, I must just like doing it more than them, and therefore it’s just easier for me. If they...

“The Literature”

Lots of people these days like to make a point to reference “the literature”. “The literature” is really just another way to say sports science research, but I guess people think it makes them sound more educated and science-y. Regardless,...

Signs That You Should Not Take Somebody’s Advice

Fitness “influencers” are a dime a dozen these days, and most of them are full of crap. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell the good from the bad. The following is a non-exhaustive list of signals that you can use as an indication that you should...

An Ode to the Squat

The correctly performed barbell back squat is, quite simply, the best exercise that can be performed in the gym. No other movement will provide the same level of strength development, muscle growth, improved coordination, nervous system conditioning, and overall...

Strength Training Will Change Your Life

Strength training will completely change your life. Does that claim sound too bold? It’s not, and by the end of this post you’ll see why. I do not know of a single activity that can change your life as quickly, as reliably, or as dramatically as strength...

The X Factor

If there’s anything that rivals the importance of consistency in training, it’s what I like to call the X Factor. What is the X Factor? If you’ve read many of my posts, you won’t be surprised: it’s all about mindset. The X Factor is the...